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Peter Wegner's flip digit "Monument to Change As It Changes" at Stanford University

Installed permanently into the side of the auditorium building at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Peter Wegner's mesmerizing waterfall of color is perhaps the most universally enjoyed artwork that Flynn A&D has had the privilege to work on.

Wegner created this visual feast using technology from European train station billboards. Formed from more than 2,000 modules, with eighty different colored flaps per module, and placed onto a nearly 10' tall x 32' wide frame, color cascades down rolodex-style to the captivating delight of three-year old children to eighty-year old retirees.

Flynn A&D assisted the artist by providing templates of how to storyboard his color schemes; reviewing technical options, details, and shop drawings; coordinating with the fabricator on the custom software required; and working under the artist's direction to program eight hours of digital animation through keyframing and noise modulation.

A sample of real-time video and a 10x-speed abstract storyboard fragment are below:

Art design architect:
Building architect:

Built, 2011

Palo Alto, CA, USA

Peter Wegner

Stanford University, Graduate School of Business

Flynn A&D

Boora Architects

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